No one cares about your manuscript

No one cares about your manuscript (An inspirational wero from Te Papa Tupu) An introvert’s worst nightmare is meeting people in person. Which is why I work in IT, so I can daydream about code and stories without interruption. But it was a sigh of relief to be welcomed into the first workshop with the […]

He timotimo noa!

He timotimo noa! Tēnā koutou ngā kaipānui o te wā, Ko Hinematioro ahau. E noho ana ahau ki roto o te awa whāruarua o Te Awakairangi me tōku hoa rangatira. Waimarie tonu au te whiwhi i tōku māmā me ōku karanga tāina ki tōku taha. Ko tōku tama irāmutu tonu tēnei, ko Tamati Nohotima, te […]

All day long I think about writing

Kia ora koutou! Ko J. (Jared) Wiremu Kane tōku ingoa and I’m humbled and honoured that you’ve chosen to share in my Te Papa Tupu journey. Over the next six months, I’ll be working with the singular James George on a manuscript currently called (the title is still up for debate) ‘King’s Crossing: A novel’. […]

There’s No Room For Imposter Syndrome Here

Just before I went through the security gates at the airport, I remember turning to my husband. “I can’t do this,” I told him, panic lacing its way through my voice. “Yes you can. Off you go!” he said cheerfully. He’s ever optimistic, positive to a fault at times.  The fear and doubt clawed in […]

Keri Hulme’s generous koha for Māori writers

Keri Hulme’s generous koha for Māori writers The original manuscript of the bone people, by legendary author Keri Hulme (Kāi Tahu and Kāti Māmoe), will be auctioned at Dunbar Sloane on the 11th of August, this year. Keri Hulme was the first New Zealander to win the prestigious Booker Prize in 1985. She was also the […]

Look out Ockhams, here comes the next kaituhi Māori!

The Māori Literature Trust | Te Waka Taki Kōrero announces the six newest kaituhi for its highly sought-after incubator programme, Te Papa Tupu. Kei runga noa atu koutou ko: Callum Knight (Te Hika o Pāpāuma) Hinematioro Nohotima-Duncan (Tūhoe – Ngāti Koura, Te Aitanga ā-Māhaki – Whānau ā-Kai) J. Wiremu Kane (Ngāpuhi – Ngāti Toro, Ngāti Manu, […]