Our Partners

Did you know that we are charity partners with The Good Registry?
You don’t need to buy stuff for your friends and whānau to show you care. There are 65 NZ charities that recipients can choose from to donate their gift card to and the Māori Literature Trust is one of them!
This Kirihimete give them a Good Gift Card so they can have the joy of giving to causes they care about. Help others have a zero waste gifting season and help NZ Charities make dreams come true.
Have a reason to celebrate? Whatever the occasion you can also create a registry and choose a charity you care about for friends and family to give to. You’ll have a unique link to your registry page to share with your friends and family.
If someone you know has created a registry for their special occasion, you get to donate to a charity they’ve chosen! You decide how much and you can see how much has been raised for the kaupapa.