Koha / Wero

Headshot of Claire, wearing a green top with a grey background.

It has been, at time of writing, less than three weeks since Te Papa Tupu Workshop One. How is that possible? Borne aloft in the whirlwind of those two days, it felt as if months of mātauranga were being imparted. I know I’m not the only one who felt that way. Yet, coming down from […]

First Entry

Taryn's writing space: a desk, stacks of books. Pictured in purple, red and blue.

I have been writing for a long time, but really, for no time. At least that’s what it feels like. This thing called writing is interesting – we all do it in some way or another. We are all storytellers in some form, whether it be through words, or images, or intense drunken bathroom yarns […]

The First Step

Illuminated road with night sky above

There’s a soft amount of pressure, being the first person on the Te Papa Tupu program to release their blog post. I don’t really know what people are expecting. A literary masterpiece. Something to rival William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens or Colleen Hoover (the three greatest writers of all time, unquestionably, uncontroversially). Luckily for me […]

Tōku Blog Tuarua – Te Kōrero Paki

He timotimo kōrero anō mā tātou! Tēnā koutou ngā kaipānui o te wā, Tēnei wāhanga o te tau, e hika mā e, he mākū, he makariri, he waipuke, ā, he aha rawa rā ēnei rangi kōrero nei. Kia tata mai a tou pakupaku, ka waiho iho a tou makariri, kia tīmata te nukunuku i ngā […]

Te Papa Tupu Blog 2

this is a post in three parts. the first was written in early October, when I was wrangling multiple deadlines at once. the second, a week later, after I cleared those hurdles and didn’t stumble. and I’m finishing it now with a third part, in the last week of October, as I prepare for the […]

Falling in Love Again

My Te Papa Tupu journey continues, and I continue to learn about myself and my writing. In August I was able to meet up with my fellow writers and finally meet my mentor James George in person at the Auckland Writers Festival. James and I got along just as well as I expected we would, […]

It doesn’t have to be right; it just has to be done

Te Papa Tupu Workshop Two saw us mentees heading out into the wild world of the Auckland Writers’ Festival. It was a flurry of voices, words, and ideas. Immersed in the menagerie, new questions emerged each day about the characters we’re carving across our pages and our processes as ‘writers.’ It was an incredible opportunity […]

Sarai’s First Blog

My first book was written around 2004. When I was ten years old, we went on a family trip to visit some cousins in America. It was the first time I’d ever seen snow in real life. To be fair, it wasn’t high-quality, A-grade snow like the stuff I’d seen in the movies. The snow […]

No one cares about your manuscript

No one cares about your manuscript (An inspirational wero from Te Papa Tupu) An introvert’s worst nightmare is meeting people in person. Which is why I work in IT, so I can daydream about code and stories without interruption. But it was a sigh of relief to be welcomed into the first workshop with the […]

He timotimo noa!

He timotimo noa! Tēnā koutou ngā kaipānui o te wā, Ko Hinematioro ahau. E noho ana ahau ki roto o te awa whāruarua o Te Awakairangi me tōku hoa rangatira. Waimarie tonu au te whiwhi i tōku māmā me ōku karanga tāina ki tōku taha. Ko tōku tama irāmutu tonu tēnei, ko Tamati Nohotima, te […]