Pukapuka Māori o te tau 2024-2025
We are compiling a list of Māori Books for an upcoming Matariki series, so that we can celebrate as many Māori books as possible that have been brought into te ao Mārama. Please note that this is not an award or competition, but an opportunity to acknowledge as many kaituhi Māori as possible who have published in the last year. If your book meets the following criteria, please submit here!
Your book is:
- written by a Māori author, or;
- edited by a Māori editor and has a minimum of 50% of contributors with whakapapa Māori.
- in print, or available as an e-book
- published between 1 August 2024 – 20 June 2025
- available to purchase (before 20 June 2025)
- an original work
Please also note that:
- translated works are not accepted at this time, unless the original author is Māori
- self-published works are welcomed
- any genre will be accepted, including picture books
Books will feature in the series at our discretion. Please email programme@mlt.org.nz for enquiries.