Toni Wi
Ngāti Maniapoto
Toni Wi is a speculative fiction writer who has been published in Headland, Huia Short Stories 15, Takehē, Mayhem, and Flash Frontier. She attended the Hagley Writer’s Institute where she won the Margaret Mahy award for best portfolio and was co-editor for a print edition of the Hagley journal The Quick Brown Dog. She was a panelist at the international science fiction and fantasy conventions CoNZealand and FIYAHCON where she talked about indigenous futurism.
With a background in the natural sciences, Toni’s work often explores the connection between people and te taiao while testing the laws of reality, time, and space. She is inspired by indigenous horror, space opera, epic fantasy, fairy tales, contemporary romance, and mātauranga Māori. She has spent time in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean and hopes one day to undertake a PhD in marine environmental management.
Toni lives in Pōneke where she works in the public service. In her spare time she enjoys knitting, reading, watching movies, going on bush walks, and spending time with friends and family.