Apirana Turupa Ngata: Āna Tuhinga I Roto I Te Reo Maori (New Edition)
nā Te Ohorere Kaa rāua ko Wiremu Kaa
Ngāti Porou, Tūwhakairiora, Te Whānau a Kahu, Hunaara, Ngāti Hoko, Hinepare, Ngāi Tāne, Takimoana
Written in te reo Māori
Published by: Te Herenga Waka Press
He tangata rongonui no Ngāti Porou. He tangata pūmau ki nga tikanga o te ao Māori.I kuraina ki Waiomatatini, ki Te Aute Kāreti, ki te whare wānanga hoki o Canterbury. Ko ia te Maori mātāmua kia pōtaetia ki nga tohu mātauranga o nga whare wānanga. I ū hoki i a ia nga tohu MA, LLB me te Honorary Doctorate, D Lit.
Na āna mahi huhua i whakaatu tōna kaha me tōna māia ki te kake ki nga tini taumata o te ao whānui.I tu rawa ia hei mema pāremata, a, ko tāna tino mahi he kōkiri mo nga iwi Maori kia puta ai he oranga, he whakamārama hoki i te āhua o nga ture a te Kāwanatanga. I tahuri a ia ki te whakatū marae. Nāna hoki i kōkiri kia tū he whare ako i nga mahi whakairo kia puta ai nga tohunga whakatū whare whakairo. Ko Nga Mōteatea a nga iwi i kohikohia e ia hei taonga ma te motu.
Ko tēnei tāna koha ki a tātau. E koro, ka whakamoemiti ra te ngākau mo ēnei kupu āu ma nga mokopuna e tipu ake nei.
Body Worship - Memoir of a Competitive Bodybuilder: Grief versus Me
nā Claudette H M Wilson
Tuwharetoa, Ngati Parekaawa;Tainui, Ngati Maahanga; Ngati Kahungunu
From a cultural upbringing in Aotearoa-NZ, this is a personal journey tracking a woman’s response to bereavement. To be happier she becomes intent on battling the conditions and diseases that have taken away her father, mother, and brother. Her fitness quest leads her to over 35s Bodybuilding Competition, and what follows is inspirational.
The memoir includes chapter ‘Still Time’, shortlisted Highly Commended in national writing competition KSP Non-fiction Open Awards 2018 Australia.
Hine Toa: A Story of Bravery
nā Ngāhuia te Awekōtuku
Te Arawa, Tuhoe, Ngapuhi, Waikato
Written in English
Published by: Harper Collins
Kai and Kindness
nā Jane Rangiwahia rāua ko Paul Rangiwahia
Taranaki, Ngāti Ruanui
Written in English
Published by: Huia Publishers
Kia Hiwa Rā!: Māori Journalism in Aotearoa New Zealand
nā Dr Atakohu Middleton
Written in both te reo Māori and English
Published by: Huia Publishers
Ko te torotoro i te whenua o Īnia
nā Peter J Keegan
Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou
Written in te reo Māori
Little Doomsdays
nā Nic Low rāua ko Phil Dadson
Nic: Ngāi Tahu
Written in English
Published by: Massey University Press
Māori Made Easy Pocket Guide
nā Scotty Morrison
Ngāti Whakaue
Published by: Penguin
Ngaa Mahi Whakaari A Tiitokowaru (New Edition)
nā Ruka Broughton
Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Ruanui
Written in te reo Māori
Published by: Te Herenga Waka Press
Kei ngaa whaarangi o teenei pukapuka e hahua ake ana ngaa koorero o Tiitokowaru.
He rangatira ahurei, he tohunga amorangi, he toa kai pakanga, he aporei aarahi i oona iwi ki te nguha o riri whakauaua ki te aarai atu i te whakaariki e whakatangatanga mai raa ki te mana papatipu o oo raatou whenua.
Naa toona ake, naa Ruka Alan Broughton, ka puea ake ngaa koorero a Aotea waka moo Tiitokowaru; rerekee noa atu i te nuinga o ngaa koorero kua tuhia e ngaa kaituhi Paakehaa. Kei konei e whakanuia ai a Tiitokowaru, e waanangahia ai toona taha tangata me toona taha atua ki taa Aotea waananga. Kei konei hoki e utua ai ngaa whakapae, ngaa haahani i utaina ki te upoko o Tiitokowaru tae atu ki oona iwi. Ko te mutunga atu, kore rawa he toa kai pakanga o Aotearoa nei tee rite ki a Tiitokowaru.
Nga Kōrero A Reweti Kohere Mā (New Edition)
nā Te Ohorere Kaa rāua ko Wiremu Kaa
Ngāti Porou, Tūwhakairiora, Te Whānau a Kahu, Hunaara, Ngāti Hoko, Hinepare, Ngāi Tāne, Takimoana
Written in te reo Māori
Published by: Te Herenga Waka Press
I tipu mai a Reweti i Oruatua. No te 11 o nga rā o Aperira, 1871, ia ka whānau. I kuraina i Waiomatatini, i Kihipane. No te tau 1887, ka haere ki Te Aute. E rima tau ki reira ka puta i te whakamātautau matriculation. E rua tau i tū hei kaiwhakaako ki Te Aute katahi ka haere ki Canterbury University.
Ko ia tetahi o te Ropu Rangatahi Maori. I haere ia hei kaiwhakaako i te kāreti minita i Te Raukahikatea, a, ka tū hoki hei etita mo Te Pīpīwharauroa.
I te tau 1904 ka mārena a Reweti ki a Keita Kaikiri. I te tau 1908 ka hunuku rāua ko te hoa me ta rāua whānau ki te pāriha o Te Kawakawa. Ka mutu te mahi minita ka tahuri rāua ki te ahu whenua.
Ko te mahi a Reweti i nga tau o tōna koroheketanga he tuhituhi pukapuka.
Notes for Neuro Navigators
nā Jolene Stockman
Te Ātiawa
Written in english
Published by: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
In a world built for neurotypicals, how can you help autistic loved ones navigate their way to happiness? Jolene Stockman is an ultra-enthusiastic author and TEDx speaker. She is multiply-neurodivergent (including tangata whaitakiwātanga, autistic) and her latest book Notes for Neuro Navigators is the Allies’ Quick-Start Guide to Championing Neurodivergent Brains. Packed with strategies and honest, down-to-earth advice, the book explores ways we can support neurodivergents to navigate the current world, while together building a brighter one that supports us all.
Notes for Neuro Navigators won Silver at the 2024 Nautilus Book Award for Psychology and Emotional Wellbeing
Mohi Turei: Āna Tuhinga I Roto I Te Reo Maori (New Edition)
nā Te Ohorere Kaa rāua ko Wiremu Kaa
Ngāti Porou, Tūwhakairiora, Te Whānau a Kahu, Hunaara, Ngāti Hoko, Hinepare, Ngāi Tāne, Takimoana
Written in te reo Māori
Published by: Te Herenga Waka Press
I whānau i te tau 1829 i Te Kautuku, takiwā o Waiapu. I mate i te 2 o Maehe 1914 i tana kāinga, i Rangitukia. He uri no te whānau a Ngāti Hokopū, arā, te Whānau ā Rerewa, te hapu o tana matua o Omanga. Ko Mākere Tangikuku tana whaea o Te Aitanga ā Mate o Whareponga.
I kuraina i Raukahikatea, a, no 1870 ka whakapākia hei pirihi mo tētahi taha o te rohe. Nāna hoki a Apirana Ngata i iriiri i runga i nga whakarite a Paratene.
He tangata mātau a ia ki te ao Māori, tōna reo me ōna tikanga. Na tāna mōhio ki te mau pene, ka maha āna tuhinga i te reo Māori. Nāna i tuhituhi ngā kōrero a Pita Kāpiti mo ētahi āhuatanga a te Maori.
Ka waimārie tātau i ēnei tuhinga, a, ko te ngākau whakawhetai kei te mīharo ki a Mohi.
Reo Ora – Ko Te Weu Level Three: A Māori Language Course for Intermediate Learners
nā Rāpata Wiri
Ngāti Ruapani, Tūhoe, Te Arawa
Published by: Huia Publishers
Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere
nā Jade Kake rāua ko Jeremy Hansen
Jade: Ngāpuhi — Ngāti Hau me Te Parawhau, Te Whakatōhea, Te Arawa
Written in english
Published by: Massey University Press

nā Annette Papuni-McLellan
Te Whakatohea, Ngāti Porou, Hāmoa
Written in english
Te Reo Kapekape Māori Wit and Humour
nā Hona Black
Tūhoe, Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Published by: Oratia
Vikings of the Sunrise
nā Te Rangi Hīroa
Ngāti Mutunga
Written in English
Published by: Oratia
Vikings of the Sunrise ranks as a masterpiece of Pacific studies. From the pen of one of the greatest Māori thinkers and writers of his generation, the settlement of the Pacific Ocean comes to life. The book ranges across the Pacific Ocean and the people who populated it, considering their physical and spiritual origins, and the ships they built to conquer this vast territory. It weighs evidence for different routes, retells myths of migration including the Māui series, recounts the author’s visits to islands and atolls across the South Pacific, and overall establishes the ‘vikings’ of the Pacific among the greatest-ever ocean voyagers.
First published in 1938, Vikings of the Sunrise is here reproduced in an enhanced facsimile edition, including photos and maps compiled by the author on his voyages, and a new foreword by anthropologist Paora Tapsell.