Keri Hulme's generous koha for Māori writers
The original manuscript of the bone people, by legendary author Keri Hulme (Kāi Tahu and Kāti Māmoe), will be auctioned at Dunbar Sloane on the 11th of August, this year.

Keri Hulme was the first New Zealander to win the prestigious Booker Prize in 1985. She was also the first writer to win the Booker Prize, with a debut novel. Proceeds of the sale will be gifted to the Māori Literature Trust, to support Māori writers.
The executrices of Keri’s estate, Diane McAuliffe and Kate Salmons are pleased to be able to provide this bequest to help support Māori writers. Kate said, “I discussed with Keri selling the original manuscript of the bone people in September last year, Keri was delighted at the prospect of her work helping to support Māori writer’s in the future”.
Chair of the Trust, Robyn Bargh said “We are truly grateful for this extraordinary gift. Throughout her life, Keri has been a steadfast advocate for Māori writers. This koha will enable us to honour Keri’s legacy, by providing more opportunities for Māori writers.”
For Keri, the bone people was a “new kind of novel, blending reality with dreams, melding Māori and Pākehā, weaving hurtful pasts into strangely bright futures”, a fitting legacy for the future of Māori writers.
For enquiries to Dunbar Sloane | Anthony Gallagher –
For enquiries to the Māori Literature Trust | Dominica Pikimaui –
For statements from Keri Hulme’s whānau | Matthew Salmons –